Our Vision
Our children, as part of the Christian community, learning with enthusiasm, growing in knowledge, developing their abilities, and desiring to serve God.
Our Mission
To support Dunedin’s Christian community by providing a primary education for its children that is of the highest quality, that is delivered in a distinctively Christian framework and that encourages family involvement.
We are committed to providing children at our school with:
- a warm, loving and disciplined learning environment
- small, multilevel classes, taught by skilled and sensitive staff
- an open environment in which parent participation is encouraged
- a compassionate and supportive school community
- a wide range of social and cultural experiences
- a high quality, well balanced education in which academic achievement is encouraged
- the desire to work as part of a team
Curriculum Opportunities
Liberton Christian School considers providing extended opportunities for students is an important part of school life.
- Our school provides an outstanding specialised visual arts programme.
- Each year we produce an impressive school production in which all students participate.
- Our school band regularly leads assembly worship singing.
- Extra-curricular music lessons are available on-site during school hours through an outside provider.
- All students attend specialised Swimsation swimming lessons during terms two and three at Moana Pool.
- Competitive sports are valued and we regularly participate in interschool competitions for netball, basketball, rippa rugby, soccer, cross-country and athletics competitions.
- We have our own annual whole school athletics competition.
Throughout the year purposefully arranged visitors and performers to the school provide a wide range of instructive, informative and cultural insights both through classroom visits and assemblies.
Year Seven and Eight
Each year we are able to welcome a small number of new enrolments at the year seven and eight level.
We consider this stage in a young person’s development to be vital. Our senior students are encouraged to take on leadership roles within the school that complement their own strengths and develop individual growth. All our year eight students attend the annual National Young Leaders Conference.
- ICT learning tools play an integral role in enhancing the Inquiry process and are another key component of learning within the senior class.
- Students participate in at least one second language module each year.
- Our students receive specialist technology education with other full primary school students at Dunedin North Intermediate each week.
- We have an awesome winter ski camp and a summer activity camp alternate years.
Our Inquiry based learning at this level develops our students’ ability to:
- use ideas and information in new contexts
- select from a variety of thinking and presenting tools
- present ideas in a variety of ways
- compare and contrast new learning with prior knowledge