Roll booming at Dunedin Christian school

Liberton Christian School principal Fiona Sizemore with pupils and staff from the school yesterday.
A ballooning roll at Liberton Christian School in Dunedin has again forced the board of trustees to apply to the Ministry of Education for a roll-cap increase to meet demand.
Principal Fiona Sizemore said the roll was restricted to 75 pupils and, with present enrolments, it was expected the school, in Pine Hill, would be at capacity by mid-year.
“At the moment, we’re hoping not to have to turn away new-entrance pupils.
“For our school, this is a good problem.”
Mrs Sizemore said the board applied earlier this month for the roll to be increased to a maximum of 100 pupils.
An application to the ministry last year was denied because the ministry believed there were still plenty of spaces for pupils at other North Dunedin schools.
However, Mrs Sizemore said the majority of the school’s pupils came from outside the Pine Hill area, and it provided specialist education.
“We strongly believe we are offering a special-character education. It’s a different choice for parents.
“We are not in competition with other ministry schools.”
The school was established in 1982 but was integrated into the state system in October 1999.
While complying with the ministry’s national curriculum framework, the school’s years 1–8 curriculum is taught from a Christian perspective as set out in the school’s special-character statement.
Mrs Sizemore hoped to hear from the ministry about the application by the end of term 1.
Printed in the Otago Daily Times, February 29, 2012